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19 Ergebnisse.

How to Talk Language Science with Everybody

Wagner, Laura / McKee, Cecile
How to Talk Language Science with Everybody
Drawing on the linguistics behind effective communication, this is an indispensable guide to how to engage the general public in linguistics, and scientific research more generally. It illustrates best practices with many compelling real-life examples and ultimately helps readers develop engaging scientific demonstrations of their own.

CHF 46.90

Hollywood's Hard-Luck Ladies

Wagner, Laura
Hollywood's Hard-Luck Ladies
In the era of Hollywood now considered its Golden Age, there was no shortage of hard-luck stories-movie stars succumbed to mental illness, addiction, accidents, suicide, early death and more. This book profiles 23 actresses who achieved a measure of success before fate dealt them losing hands-in full public view. Overviews of their lives and careers provide a wealth of previously unpublished information and set the record straight on long-stan...

CHF 65.00

Eine Frau für alle Fälle

Wagner, Laura
Eine Frau für alle Fälle
In High Heels gegen die karibische DrogenmafiaSandy Kuczinski reist in die Karibik, um nach ihrer Oma zu suchen. Die rüstige Rentnerin hat sich während einer Kreuzfahrt auf die kleine Insel Dominica abgesetzt und ist nun spurlos verschwunden. Doch bevor Sandy die Trauminsel überhaupt erreicht, kommt die leidenschaftliche Pumps-Trägerin bereits der Mafia in die Quere. Das sollte für sie allerdings kein Problem sein, immerhin arbeitet sie als Se...

CHF 18.50

Anne Francis

Wagner, Laura
Anne Francis
This first-ever biography of American actress Anne Francis will enlighten her casual fans and earn a nod of agreement from her diehard admirers. The star of such 1950s cinematic classics as Bad Day at Black Rock, The Blackboard Jungle and Forbidden Planet, Anne made the risky decision to transplant her talents to television--and as a result, her acting has often been taken for granted. But TV supplied her with the groundbreaking title role in ...

CHF 57.50

The Back-Up Mom

Wagner, Laura K
The Back-Up Mom
Many people go into the stepparenting experience thinking that their parenting skills and instincts will suffice. Why then do so many struggle with stepparenting? Why are the unique gifts and challenges of stepparenting rarely discussed? The Back-Up Mom is an invaluable, candid guide to stepparenting from the personal experience of a mom who has been there, learned precious lessons and is ready to share her wisdom with you. A stepparent's jour...

CHF 24.90

Let Me Tell You How I Really Feel...Again

Wagner, Laura
Let Me Tell You How I Really Feel...Again
Listen to the accolades Laura has received: "I wouldn't buy a book by Laura Wagner if it was the last book on earth or if it was given to me free. This woman is a looney psycho who needs to get a grip on life or come down out of the clouds and start treating people like people. Ugly through and through." "Laura Wagner professes to be the be-all and end-all when it comes to film history. Her little column in Classic Images is a platform to ha...

CHF 34.50

UK National Security Strategy & Decision Planning

Wagner, Sarah A. / Fuchs, Laura M.
UK National Security Strategy & Decision Planning
Britain today is both more secure and more vulnerable than in most of her long history. More secure in the sense that they do not currently face, as they have so often in the past, a conventional threat of attack on their territory by a hostile power. But more vulnerable because they are one of the most open societies in a world that is more networked than ever before. This book explores the current strategy and decision planning for the natio...

CHF 189.00

Hold Tight, Don't Let Go

Wagner, Laura Rose
Hold Tight, Don't Let Go
A gorgeous YA novel about the devastating sorrow--and the vibrant hope--that followed the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, written by a young woman who experienced it first-hand.

CHF 19.90

Let Me Tell You How I Really Feel

Wagner, Laura
Let Me Tell You How I Really Feel
Let Me Tell You How I Really Feel: The Uncensored Book Reviews of Classic Images' Laura Wagner, 2001-2010, gathers together the best of Laura's monthly book reviews from Classic Images magazine - uncensored, as they were meant to be read in the first place. Also included is some of the hate mail she has received because of her hard-core, take-no-prisoners approach to reviewing. The much-beloved Laura Wagner's articles have appeared regularly...

CHF 35.50